Contact Us

If you feel that we're a good fit for your day, or if you have any other questions, shoot us an email using the form on the right.

We will get back to you ASAP!


UK wedding photographers working together to beautifully capture the story of your unique day.


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Our site has had a little makeover...

Polly and Simon Photography

Hello! We've spent some time recently giving our site a complete makeover. New host, new design, and a new blog! 

We'll be using this space to show off some of our weddings, as well as write posts with advice and tips for engaged couples who are planning their wedding. 

Keep an eye out, and be sure to Like us over on Facebook for more updates!

And finally, to give this post a little colour, here's a small sample of what we've been up to so far in 2015, from Snowdonia to Yeovil to London to Cardiff: